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«¬ ¸¹ B601D B602D B603D
¤u§@½d³ò «Ç·Å+5°C ~ 100°C
±±¨î½d³ò 0°C~100°C (combined with cooler to obtion below ambient temperature)
í©w«× ± 0.1¢J¦b37¢J
± 0.1¢J¦b37¢J ± 0.1¦b37¢J¢J
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¥[¼ö¾¹¥\²v 1KW 1.2KW 1.2KW
Åͩդ覡 By shaking & built-in
circulating pump
By shaking By shaking & built-in
circulating pump
®É¶¡±±¨î 999/min ©Î 999hr
¾_Àú³t«× 20¡ã200rpm¡A¥i½Õ¸`¡A¼Æ¦rŪ¥X
Stroke 1.5“©Î0.5”¥i½Õ
¤Ø¤o¡]cm¡^ ¥­¥x W30 x D23cm W50 x D30cm W40 x D30cm
¤º¼Ñ W50 x D30 x H15cm W60.5 X D36 X H19cm W60.5 X D36 X H19cm
Á`Åé W78 X D34 X H36.5cm W91 X D41.5 X H40cm W91 x D41.5 x H45cm
¹q·½ 110/220V50/60HZ11A/6A 110/220V50/60HZ12A/6A 110/220V50/60HZ12A/10A
Capacity for flasks
MODEL 50ml 125ml 250ml 500ml 1000ml 2000ml
B601D 12 9 6 4 1 1
B602D 32 24 15 8 6 3
B603D 20 15 12 6 4 2
Copyright © 2004 Power Assist Instrument Scientific Corp. All Right Reserved 
update¡G 2020-03-27